Moms & Babies
The bond between a mother and her baby is essential for the child's well-being and development. When a mother’s body and spirit are nurtured and cared for, it directly benefits her baby. Infants naturally sync with their parents' nervous systems, so the more support a mother receives—during pregnancy and after birth—the better the environment for her baby to thrive. This is especially important if the birth was traumatic or resulted in conditions like Torticollis or Plagiocephaly. Working with mothers and their babies helps address these challenges while also strengthening their connection. Everything is intertwined, and when the mother’s foundation is strong, so is her baby’s.
Symptoms/Conditions that can benefit from CST:
Difficulty nursing or latching, restricted jaw movement, jaw clenching
Weak suck reflex, trouble swallowing, on-and-off fussiness, excessive spit-up (reflux)
One-sided feeding issues (head tilts more easily to one side)
Crossed or wandering eyes, asymmetrical head shape
How a Session Works:
During a 1-hour session, babies remain fully clothed while gentle hands-on techniques are used to release tension and restrictions in the body and head. Once these tensions are released, they don’t return. Mothers may also receive adjustments to align and balance their nervous system, which supports bonding with their child.
Results in a calmer, more relaxed, and better-nursing baby
Promotes overall structural balance for long-term health and development
Supports babies in reaching their full potential
Typically, babies need 2 or 3 sessions to see lasting results.